34 Falconer StreetRyde
3 1 2
3 Bedroom plus study family home close to transports and Top Ryde shopping centre
Detail: Stanley 0432 392 163. This double brick 3 bedroom plus study family home is located in a quiet street, it's close to stations and top ryde shopping centre. It features:
- Nice carpet throughout
- 3 spacious bedrooms with wardrobe
- Air-conditioning
- Neat front and backyard
- Study room
- Internal laundry
- Double lock up garage
- Renovated eat-in kitchen
- Pergola
Please call for the inspection NOW. This WON't last long.
Bond: $2640
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RydeSuburb Profile
Ryde is dynamic area with plenty of lifestyle opportunities. The Top Ryde City Shopping Centre caters for serious shoppers, and relaxed experiences at Event Cinemas.